How do I make a payment if I don’t know my social security number (SSN)?
What is the turnaround time for payments to post?
When was my last payment?
Why doesn’t the statement I received show the last payment I made?
Why doesn’t the balance on the monthly statement I receive match the balance on the website?
What if I don’t agree with my balance?
Will I get a notice when my balance is paid in full?
Will I be mailed a receipt with my confirmation number?
What is the minimum payment I can make?
What should I do if my credit card is rejected?
If I don’t have Internet access at home can I use a public library computer to make a payment?
How do I make a payment if I have received a Notice of Determination, but my balance is not showing on my account on-line?
If I have a question, what should I do?
The SSN is a required field. You must have that information in order to make a payment.
36 to 48 hours
You can review payment history on the claimant overview page. Please note payments made within the last 36 to 48 hours may not be reflected.
It may have been posted after the monthly statements were generated for mailing. Please check the date of your statement and compare to the date you made your payment.
Your payment may have been posted after the monthly statements were generated for mailing. Please check the date of your statement and compare to the date you made your payment.
If you do not agree with your balance please contact the BPC Hotline at (302) 761-8399 for assistance and a review of your account.
Your monthly statement after your account is paid in full will indicate you have a zero balance.
You can print your confirmation from the payment screen. If you supply an e-mail address a confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address provided. Your payment history is available on-line for your review.
The minimum payment is $5.00.
Please contact your financial institution.
You can use any computer that has internet access.
If your balance is not on the website you must contact the Benefit Payment Control Hotline at (302) 761-8399.
You must contact the Benefit Payment Control Unit during regular office hours (8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday). The telephone number to call is (302) 761-8399.